Monday, January 19, 2009

Crying........for Gaza

The sense of deep sorrow felt thru my heart to see the attack of Israeli in Gaza. Thousand of civilians have lost a place to stay as their home are completely destroy. Where on earth are they going to stay if it is not their own rightful land......., mothers crying for their son and daughters an are left dead in the middle of the night by the heavy bombardment of Israeli plane , children became orphans , future for them are bleak more bleaker than the recession we are facing here right now, imagine the situation there, I am so blessed here that everyday when I look up it was a clear sky, plenty of food at the table and many love ones are by your sides. If this place is turn out to be like them what is in for us.........I prayed for long lasting Peace there, the children always come too my mind as they are the one who suffered the most. " Support Gaza" NOW!!
Leaves you with this video for you to ponders......have a heart for the children.

"Caution Video contains scene which not be appropriate for minor viewing"

Gaza 2009

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

2008 has left us with a blink, it has been a year which I lost few working "kakis" which had been with me for many years. I hope 2009 will be an xciting year for me.........we shall see. Resolution for many years made but never met It just this mind bog down to others "shitty" stuff ...To have more time with "love ones" are the most paramount of my resolution. For now let us see what 2009 will bring.........

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